Thursday 24 March 2011

stencils attempt 1

As i said before i would upload some of the stencil images i had produced. These are the first few I've done, I plan on developing this idea further experimenting more with different media.

Thursday 17 March 2011

west indian poems/poets

Today ive mainly been looking into west indian poetry in a lot more detail, picking apart the poems I had found and researching into the poets background. I found poems from such well known west indian poets as Kamau Brathwaite, Derek Walcott and Kendel Hippolyte.

At first a I found it a struggle trying to find poetry by west indians that related to carnival but I managed to find a few in the end that i can work with for the time being. I also found a book on amazon called The Heinemann Book of Caribbean Poetry that i am looking to invest in for my fmp.

Monday 14 March 2011

Finally motivation...

Ive been a bit distant from the blogging and the FMP lately as I had a retake to do from last year but thats all done, dusted and handed in. Am actually quite proud of myself I worked much harder then I have on any other projects in the last 3 years off uni. lets just hope I pass and this routine of work keeps up for my final major project.

I had done some sketches and a bit more research into carnival, the characters, folklore and a photo shoot whilst producing my other project but I hadn't really spent much of my time producing proper artwork. So after handing that project in, instead of having a rest which I would love to do I stuck at in and got on my kitchen table working through the evening again. I even went to town at the weekend just gone and filled up on paints, sequins, glitter and paper.

Ive done quite a few pencil sketches at this point but i was worried if I kept up with this style I would get bored as I normally do. So I thought to myself what do I enjoy with art?

Getting messy was one thing that came to mind so straight away I started splodging paint, glitter and and little bits I could find to paper expressing the bright colours of the carnival I had researched.
In my time working on my other project I spent a few very boring days at work on the computer and found myself looking into graffiti and stencils a lot.

Ive always loved Banksy but instead of looking at through his work for inspiration I looked just into the style of using stencils and focusing on the female form. So on my first proper night back to my fmp I decided I wanted to try something like this myself , stocking up on black paper i drew a basic outline for a women wearing carnival costume and I slowly cut my way through.

As this was my first attempt I wanted to see what else I could get from the remaining paper so put my imagination to use working with both positive and negative. I need to sort out a memory card for my camera but as soon as I do I will upload some pictures of my experimenting so far.

Below are some images i found that had inspired me.