Friday 28 January 2011

Researching Carnival

I find the outfits and vibrant colours of carnival outfits and tradition so invigorating and amazing to look at. During carnival everyone taking part looks as if they are enjoying them selves, dancing, singing just generally celebrating life. Im hoping during my FMP that i can transfer this vibrance and sense of excitement into my work.

Thursday 27 January 2011

where to start...

At first i was a bit lost for ideas for my FMP i new roughly that i wanted to relate my work to the female body and try to relate to fashion illustration as best as i could but the only idea i could think of was to relate my work to sexuality and the burlesque scene.

After some research i discovered the vibrant, outrageous colours and women that would take part in carnivals. I am already interested into different cultures in my life in particular the caribbean one as it being a part of my family. looking into this subject with more details the beautiful designs and styles got my imagination flowing.

Once i had my theme i started to look more into detail of caribbean artists, poetry and folklore.

Below is an image that belongs to a west indian artist; Alison Chapman-Andrews. I found myself very drawn to the colours and technique of her art.

Image taken from her website;

Tuesday 25 January 2011

Email from Peter - Presentation document blog example

We all received an email from Peter yesterday as seen below, i found looking at this blog very useful when creating mine.

Attached below is a link to a good example of a Presentation Document in the blog format.

The Student is Jon Rupesh Clark and he graduated last year. Check out how simple, yet informative/reflective it is- really well illustrated as well, you get a clear overview of how he's progressed and what he's encountered on the way;

What should of been my project launch..

Got to be honest not a great start to the year!
Just got over flu and to top it of i missed the launch of my final majpr project....ops.

I've started doing a little research and have asked around about what i should be doing so i started with this my first ever blog :) This will be as part of my presentation document along with supporting work such as lecture notes, handouts and planning etc

The weeks getting on a bit so i guess i had better arrange a meeting with Peter Lloyd (course leader) as putting it off wont get me anywhere.

This is it time to sort it out and get motivated,