Thursday 27 January 2011

where to start...

At first i was a bit lost for ideas for my FMP i new roughly that i wanted to relate my work to the female body and try to relate to fashion illustration as best as i could but the only idea i could think of was to relate my work to sexuality and the burlesque scene.

After some research i discovered the vibrant, outrageous colours and women that would take part in carnivals. I am already interested into different cultures in my life in particular the caribbean one as it being a part of my family. looking into this subject with more details the beautiful designs and styles got my imagination flowing.

Once i had my theme i started to look more into detail of caribbean artists, poetry and folklore.

Below is an image that belongs to a west indian artist; Alison Chapman-Andrews. I found myself very drawn to the colours and technique of her art.

Image taken from her website;

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