Monday 21 February 2011

thinking about my own photo shoot

For a while now Ive wanted to produce my own photo shoot and a portfolio of images and i now feel this is the right time.

Ive spent a lot of time this week researching into what I would have to undergo and routes i can take. After talking to friends on Make up and photography courses at solent Ive started planning my shoot step by step. I will also use these images to incorporate my sketches and final images.

I plan to take the photos and touch them up on photoshop my self but for the make up and to help with the whole experience i have got the help from 3rd year hair and make up student Sarah Louise Parkes who has numerous past experience in this area.
A link to her website and previous work can be found below;

Monday 7 February 2011

FMP Meeting no1 with Peter

I really needed this meeting my mind and ideas are so much clearer in my head now. I was so unsure about what my final outcome would be.

Firstly we talked about my last project "options" and the potential their was in my collages with drawings over the top, we came to the conclusion that reinforcing this into my next project would be a great style and technique to use as i enjoyed this experimenting with different materials. I also need to make sure that i produce alot more design and evelopment back up work as that was my main downfall in the options project.

secondly we spoke about my fmp and the ideas i had at the moment, peter suggested in creating a series of images for a book you find free in a newspaper or magazine for example a tourism guide. i liked this idea and i also spoke to him about the poets and poems i had found from the Caribbean which he is keen to see and help me fit these into my work.

Peter has scheduled another appointment for me to see him 10am Thursday with a finished research proposal, timetable of the coming weeks and examples of the West Indian poems i had found, he has said that i am to make more contact this year seeing a tutor at least once a week and finding me a work space in the studio. This is one aspect i am very aware that i am slacking in so time to improve..