Wednesday 11 May 2011

Ahhh No A1

After my meeting with Peter I went into town to look for the best deal for scanning and printing in the local print operators. After visiting 4 different printers i found this wasn't that successful an idea. I found that I can get my work printed onto acetate but the biggest size available to me was A3.

O no i was stuck with what I wanted to do now! I really liked the idea of printing on to A1 or A2 acetate I thought that if I was to scale down my images to A3 they would come out too small and not as good.

After much consideration I decided I would go ahead and attempt to get my images scanned in so I had them on the computer ready to touch up or print of at different scales to experiment with. I also decided to get the images scaled down to A3 and printed on acetate costing me a great £35 pounds for the scanning and printing and for only 2 images!!

Once I had received the acetate images back I decided they was small but I quite liked them so would go ahead and attempt to add colour and see what i get.

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