Wednesday 11 May 2011

Folklore i have used for my final images so far...

So far I have produced 3 A1 images all being based on Trinidad and Tobago carnival folklore each image being a different character using symbolism to show what his story tells.

Image 1 Papa Bois;

Papa bois live in the forest being a father to the animals, casting spells on bad hunters. He can change himself into a deer to be unseen carrying around a cow horn.

Image 2 Soucouyant;

A Soucouyant is a supernatural being who made a pact with the devil. She sheds her skin at night changing into either a ball of fire or an animal of the forest. she turns people she comes across also into animals. If she doesn't change back to her human figure before dawn it is said she would lose her powers.

Image 3 Gang Gang Sara;

Gang Gang Sara is a witch who lived to a great age. She once lived in africa getting blown over to trinidad in a storm many years ago. Since then she has been in search for her family. She is known for her wisdom and Kindness.

For my final 2 images I have decided I wanted to base them on the folklore characters;

1. Mama Glow;

Having long beautiful hair she combs constantly she is half women half snake known as the mother of the water. She is often found singing silent songs at the waters edge in the sunlight, a flash of green and she would be gone. Men that cause crime or hurt to the forest and animals find them selfs married to her for this life and the next.

2. Fairy maid;

Fairy maids are said to be beautiful women with loverly long hair but have one small foot as a deers hoof. She uses her power to attract men, turning their heads leading them to lose their shadows. Fairy maids are often found in caves, waterfalls or bridges. to discontinue a relationship with a fairy queen she must be offered with two pairs of shoes one to be burnt and the second to be thrown into the waves

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