Wednesday 11 May 2011

my work needs colour!

At the beginning of this week I had a meeting with Peter Lloyd to find out how my work was coming along,  to get help with how I would add colour to my images and which was the best way for me to go for my final images.
I found out this week where in the Bargate gallery my space will be in. I have a wall space in the far corner which should fit roughly 5-6 A1 images. I am still to think about how I am going to hang these.

When showing Peter my work he told me I should stick to one style either the black and white images I was producing, working in acrylic or working in collage as up to now I had been working in all three. I felt that I wasn't skilled enough to produced more acrylic images at a good standard as I find this quite messy and I am pretty bad at adding detail in acrylic. I like the idea of collage but I felt this process wasn't as effective as the black and white images I was producing and i didn't get the same detail. I wasn't as keen on the collage images.

I choose to stick to the black and white A1 images I had been producing but I felt that they could of done with some colour I just didn't know how to go about this as I had attempted a design in pastels and it wasn't a great turnout.

Peter suggested several ways of adding colour to my images each having good and bad points;

1. Scan images and add colour on photoshop, but this wouldn't give a very textured effect it would be very solid colour.
2. Use the light box or a window and paint each section of colour onto a different sheet of paper, scan each piece in and using photoshop layer them onto the black and white image. this would give a nice textured effect like it had been painted but would be a lot of work to do in such a short space of time.
3. Get the images printed onto acetate and paint on the other side of the acetate. This would give a nice textured effect, blending colours well and leave me with a nice gloss final finish.

I decided the 3rd idea was the most suitable for me.

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